Saturday, 30 May 2015

Honors Graduation Cords, an Important Part of the Graduation Day

The day of graduation is one of the most special days in an individual's life. The day is worth celebrating because after the hard work of so many years, a student finally reaches a point where he/she is rewarded with the certificate. But is it only the certificate that is given to them? Actually, no. Along with the certificate, the other things include gowns, caps, and not to forget, cords. However, the concept of honors graduation cords is prevalent in some universities. So, let us first find out what a honors cord basically is.

An honors cord is usually made of twisted cords along with fringes. It is awarded not only to students for their academic achievements, but also to the members of honors society. Basically what happens is that the cords are available in pairs in which a bond is there in the center which helps in holding them together.

Honors cords come in varied colors, which include red, black, white, old gold, gold, silver, cardinal, brown, navy blue, copper, drab, maroon, purple, light blue, pink, maize, orange, lilac, and forest. The cords are available in combination of various colors, but it differs from university to university. Many of the universities provide more than one or two cords to the students who have graduated. But mostly these cords are worn with other accessories. So, with this we can come to the conclusion that how important cords can be and why and when precisely they are worn, so as to make the day more delightful.

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